#7) Last night was a total blast with our new BFF's. Except for the fact that they literally live on the side of a mountain. We had to drive at about a 60* incline to get there. Scary. I guess we need to get used to driving around here. Their house was beautiful. Everything seemed to be going well until I learned that they also have an apartment in MANHATTAN. Now I kinda don't like them any more. But their friends are very nice, too, so we'll see how this works out.
8) We offered waaaay too much information about ourselves to these ladies. Sonja, if you read this, you'll know what I mean. Come to think of it, there is a strong possibility that they will choose not to be our frineds, not the other way around. Again - we shall see.
9) Robin made me go get cigarettes for her at the crack of dawn this morning. After I locked my car and double checked that it was locked, I noticed all the other customers not only not locking their cars, but leaving them running as they went inside. FREAKS.
10) See number 9 - there is good money in car theft. Job situation handled.
11) Took a lil ride on the Blue Ridge Parkway today. Couldn't wait. Was so excited. I drove. About 1/100 of a mile in to it, I almost started crying. My jaw was so clenched and my knuckles were so white, I am sure to be sore in these areas tomorrow. It was just like driving up and down a corkscrew with cars coming at us. 2 lanes! I appreciate all this mountain beauty as much as the next guy, but to risk one's life?
12) Then Robin drove. I now have a sore throat from screaming, "I am serious, Robin. Slow the F down"!!!!! I didn't say "F".
13) Made it to homebase in one piece. Iris told us that Joe was sleeping and to not make any noise. I have to say - my parents' house is crazy and wild and loud (I know - not ALL the time, Mom - just when we're there). But the silence in this house is crazy in it's own way.
14) Robin announced she was going to take a nap. She's a good napper. I tried to nap, too, but then I heard rats running around. First one, then a couple, then there were rats running wild in the ceiling. Hundreds, thousands. How can Iris and Joe live like this? DEAR GOD!!! I can't stay here now that I know their house is infested with rats. Oh wait. It was raining. Whew.
15) Robin's phone just went off for the fourth time since I started writing this crap. Sure enough. Joe's at it again.
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