If you think I was joking, you're wrong. I am starting with a nice picture. This is the best one. It all goes down hill from here. Gradually. I think you know what I mean.
To everyone else (all 12 of you), in the picture are Ingrid, me and Debbie. The following is what I sent my "friends" this morning....
Good Morning Bitches...
I am going to start writing shit about you on my blog. Don't know when, don't know what. But pictures will be involved, as well words.
It's ruffbeachday.blogspot.com
Sign in and become a fan. Not sure what you need to do, open a goggle account or something. It's free. Write comments and get involved.
If you don't, you WILL be sorry.
Share with your friends for extra points. (Ing - you have that non sense of humor skank friend of yours. Deb - you have clients).
Here's the thing. People get discovered on youtube every day. I will be discovered in the literary world via my blog. It's that simple.
Ta ta
Deb and Ing: As you well know, Kim's bark is worse than her bite. Although, I wouldnt put it past her to put the most embarassing things about you that she can on her blog - look at all the things she has written about me...and we all know that i am angelic, sweet and most of all, perfect. Robin
Whew! Thank goodness Kim likes me more than Ingrid, so my photos and related gossip are safe from this forum. However, I am new to blogging so I'd better read through all of this to make sure I am not making an idiot of myself.
Steph! Your secrets are safe with me, but I did tell the world (or should I say my 12 followers) about your son being a thief and having an unusual love of tape. Love ya!
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