It's my dental floss and has been missing for about two weeks. I carry some in my purse, so I had a back up. Don't want anyone thinking I haven't been flossing.
Can you see what appears to be dirt on my floss? It is dirt. Yesterday when I hung my new plant on the front porch, this little blue thing caught my eye from the flower bed below. My missing floss! But how did it get there?
When things like this happen, in a split second I have a decision to make. Blame Robin or the dogs. (The kitties do no wrong.) My mind went straight to Robin this time.
Me: "Why is my dental floss in the flower garden?"
Robin: "I used it to tie back some plants."
Me: "And then you just left it there?"
Robin: "I forgot."
Speaking of dental floss, she had an employee a few years ago who called in about once a week. Sometimes she was sick, sometimes her kid, sometimes her grandmother died for the 18th time. But the best excuse ever was the time when her husband tried to kill himself with dental floss. Strangulation, not hanging. It, uh, didn't work.
uh, using dental floss to tie back my plants was an ingenious idea. Besides, the minty smell of the floss keeps the bugs away....probably why kim flosses regularly.
We have other things used to tie things back. They're called tie backs.
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