Yesterday, while in the pool and "enjoying" the very loud techno music that drowned out our own music from our backyard neighbors, Robin announced that she had an errand to run. I kept asking where she was going and she wouldn't tell me. I had a funny feeling and asked how much this errand was going to cost. One dollar. Uh huh.
Some of you know about all the trouble we've had lately. We should not be spending money on frivolous things. The more I thought about what she was about to do, the madder I got. We've made a deal that I am charge of the money. If that's the case, how could she do this?
I had a feeling that she was going to get me an iPad. I have mentioned them once or twice, but honestly was not hinting. Not right now anyway. With everything going on in our lives and the uncertainty of it all, no way.
I came inside after she'd left. Checked Facebook and checked out the neighbors' website. Sure enough, "Tantra Party 05/23/10 starting at 11:00 a.m.". Oh boy. Hey! Home come we weren't invited to this one?
It began to suddenly pour, so I played on the computer a little. There was an article on AOL about a guy who went from having to move back in with his parents last year to having a book on the best sellers list this year. It started by him twittering funny things his grouchy father said. I started thinking about my blog. I secretly think they if people like Colbie Colait can be discovered on YouTube, maybe someone will discover my blog, advance me a bunch of money to write a book, and the rest will be history. I'll be sure to spend plenty of time in New York. Who will play me in the sitcom? This guy's book, BTW, is being made in to a sitcom.
So then I started rationaling. An iPad would actually be an investment in our future. I'd take it to our new home away from home. (Thank you, Steph!). I could write whenever and wherever I want! How have I lived without one of these for so long? Oh yeah. They haven't been around that long.
What was taking her so long? I want my iPad and I want it now! I called her. She was almost home. OK. Gotta act surprised. Can't seem like expected it. How spoiled brat like would that be?
She pulled in the driveway and got out of the car with a few bags in hand. I didn't see a white "Apple" bag, but it was probably just behind the others. She came in the house and told me to go in the kitchen with her. She dropped a bunch of bags on the counter. Food! She'd gone to some obscure restaurant and bought a bunch of crap that I can't eat. (Started getting serious about weight loss and exercise last week--doing really well, thank you.)
Although I was disappointed, I was more ashamed of myself for having gotten so caught up in the moment. Instant gratification is so temporary. Yeah, you're happy for the moment, but then what?
So we sat down to watch some tivo'd "Young & Restless". About a half an hour later, Robin went to her car to get her cigarettes. Wasn't really paying attention when she came back inside (probably checking FB). She called me into the kitchen, and there it new iPad!
I have been playing with this thing all day. Have not moved from where I'm sitting since about noon. Brady is very upset that Mommy has something in her lap that isn't him. I'm not sure if I can download pictures, so that'll hafta wait.
I really love this thing! Robin told me it's a gift for all that we've been through lately and a thank you for sticking with her.
There was one string attached...I had to promise to get back to writing, even if just on my blog for now. So here I am.
Although we shouldn't have spent the money and soon the novelty will wear off, no guilt. After all, this is my future!