I like to consider myself a clean person. I bathe everyday, brush my snags twice a day, and use an exorbitant amount of deodorant (30 swipes each side - Robin does about two and a half). I love powders and lotions and perfumes. I'll admit, I spend a lot of time in my PJ's, but they're always clean.
Let's face it. I share a small house with five dogs (four of whom weigh over 60 pounds), two cats and an imp with a $25.00 per day nicotine habit (that's $9125.00 per year). I sweep twice a day and Robin sweeps a lot too. She also mops a lot - like every morning at 4:30. There is always a ton of hair and dust and ashes. (Sounds like a rock band from the 60's - "Hair, Dust, & Ashes". ) No matter what. It's out of control. We change our air filter about three times a month.
Until now. Allow me to introduce you to Oreck XL. He's a mighty little muscle full of power and suckage. And he's all mine.
So, if I disappear for a day or two or 47, you'll know where I'll be and who I'll be doing it with.
As for the picture? I was tormenting Baxter. No worries Little Baby Meatball. Oreck XL sucks like crazy, but I'm pretty sure you're safe. Now Maxx on the other hand.....
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