Driving to work today, I heard a radio ad that spoke right to me...
"Do you drink too much? Have you tried to stop, only to fail? Do you find excuses to drink - work stress, family troubles, financial responsibilities, dogs barking (OK - total embellishment). For a free CD, guarenteed to make you quit drinking, call now. 1.800.749.4864. 1.800.749.4864. That's 1.800.749.4864".
So I called 1.800.749.4864.
"Hey there Hot Stuff. I've been waiting for your call. Are you ready for some tantilizing fun?"
So I got to work and emailed the station, asking for the right number.
It's 1-800-748-4964. Close but, no cigar. Well, maybe - if you're Monica Lewinski.
So I called the right number and talked to the redneck on the other end. He read the script so well! He even gave my an atta girl for not having legal issues due to my drinking. I felt like I was in a cross between Hee Haw and Candid Camera!
After a few minutes, I pretended to choke and had to excuse myself abruptly.
Lessons learned:
1) Don't guessimate when it comes to phone numbers.
2) There are no quick fixes. (Wish I had a quarter for every diet pill I've ever tried).
3) There's no such thing as a free lunch. The advertised free CD was actually a set of 25 CD's. Didn't stick around to hear the price.
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