Tuesday, January 22, 2013


If you are a friend of mine on Facebook, you're probably tired of me talking about my dog, Baxter. If you're not a FB friend, Baxter has had some medical issues lately, but I am confident that he will be just fine.

2013 is, so far, just as I had hoped it would be. I have a positive attitude about this being a good year for Robin and me. She is about to start a new job and Baxter is good. I know there is a perfect job for me out there and I am anxious to find it. I have been working out on a regular basis and eating healthier. Until yesterday.

Baxter's specialist is about an hour and 20 minutes away. It's in South Carolina. In Florida, the most popular grocery store chain is Publix. There are no Publix stores in NC, but there SC has them. Other than Popeye's, Publix has the best fried chicken. There are no Popeye's in NC. So when I saw that there was a Publix on the way to the vet, my mind immediately went to fried chicken. It wasn't an impulse stop. I planned it. For a while. I told Robin I wanted to stop on the way home from the vet yesterday and get some chicken. She was all for it - at the time.

One thing you probably don't know about Robin is that her taste buds change on a daily basis. One day she hates chocolate, the next day she'll eat two candy bars. One day she can't handle spicy food, the next day she's putting half a bottle of hot sauce on macaroni and cheese.

But Robin's food swings would not stop me from getting my chicken. As we pulled in, she announced that she hates fried chicken, that we'd be getting it just for me. Yeah, soooo? I was half way to the entrance and she was still talking about hating chicken.

Got my box - looking back, I could have gotten just a piece or two - paid - got in the car. There was a McDonald's in the parking lot and I have always gotten my dogs a cheese burger after going to the vet. Told her to go there and order a burger with nothing on it for Baxter. Pulls up and orders that, plus a Number One. Asked her what she was doing, told me she was hungry, and asked if I wanted anything. Told her no, I had chicken.

Honestly - I kind of wanted a burger. And fries. But I had this box of chicken and there's no way I could have been such a pig. Well, that's not true. I so could have. But the chicken was bad enough and I am blowing my "plan" as it is. I did the responsible thing and ordered nothing. I had my chicken for when I got home.

She got the food and drove away from McDonald's. She stopped somewhere to eat. I wasn't paying attention because I was too busy breaking off Baxter's burger into small bites for him. Got done with him and noticed how good her fries smelled. Tried to ignore it and just cracked the window and looked out. I am bigger than those fries.

Then I noticed the smell of my fried chicken. Before I realized it I had a big ole chicken breast in my hand and was going to town on it. Little pieces of crunchy skin peppered my pale pink hoody, but I didn't care. It was so good - I hadn't had fried chicken in forever - I deserve this - been through so much with Baxter - this is comfort food and damn it, I need some comforting.

She was wolfing down a Big Mac and fries, Baxter had had his burger, and I was chomping like a savage on a piece of fried chicken. Looked up from my feeding frenzy and realized where we were. In the parking lot of a really nice and really big GYM.

The words SO WRONG don't begin to describe...

Now I am stuck with all this chicken that Robin won't help me eat. Oh well, today's a new day. It's Tuesday and maybe Robin will love fried chicken. And we do have a friend who never ever cooks, so maybe we'll give it to her. Yeah right. Who I am trying to fool?

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