Wednesday, November 9, 2011

It was a "you had to be there" moment...

But I had a much needed laugh on Sunday. First laugh in almost a week.

Robin and I do these geo-caching hunts. Kinda like a savenger hunt with a GPS. We've done them for years and the enthusiasm comes and goes in spurts. This past Sunday, a beautiful day, we decided to go on one. It was in an unfamiliar part of town, which is always interesting. We were literally in the woods and it just didn't seem like a place where someone would hide a treasure. Soon we stumbled upon a paved walking trail. That was more like it. We started walking toward the coordinates; Robin was navigating. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a bicycle coming up really fast behind her. She didn't see him and when he zoomed by her at about 75 miles an hour, she almost had a heart attack. Heart attacks aren't funny, but I could not stop laughing. She practically jumped in my arms, then was unable to move. She thought a big wild animal was about to attack.  Took her about five minutes to catch her breath. 

"It's NOT FUNNY!!!!  OH MY GOD!!!!!  I thought that was a wild boar charging out of the brush."


Then we found ourselves back in the woods.  I got tangled up in some type of thorny vine and my ponytail got stuck.  My hands got all cut up trying to escape and I called for Robin.  She came to my assistance but hesitated and just looked at me.   "Payback's a bitch, eh?"

(PS:  Isn't a "wild boar" kinda an oxymoron?)


security equipment said...

Great post, I admire the writing style :) A little off topic here but what theme are you using? Looks pretty cool.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the compliments! I'm not sure what you mean by "what theme".