Sunday, October 2, 2011

This house is not a home. It's a friggen sweat shop.

Duct tape has taken over our lives.  We literally have dozens of rolls of the stuff all over the dining room.  We have an Exacto paper cutter which needs a new blade and we're on our fourth pair of scissors in a little over a week.  Yesterday we took a break and paraded our stuff up and down Main Street like hookers.  WE NEED TO RECEIVE OUR BUSINESS CARDS.  We get  stopped by so many people, but without business cards and a website, it's hard to really take orders.  We carry purses within purses and whip them out as needed.  We were in line somewhere yesterday and a teenager had a "Hello Kitty" sweatshirt on.  Robin had our "Hello Kitty" purse inside the purse she was carrying.  She took it out and showed the girl.  We started chatting with her mother, who works in a nursing home.  Said the ladies in the home love to buy purses and we should go there.  Not sure about that, but we'll see. 

Iris is on board too.  We've made two for her so far and she carries them to temple and parties.  Again, no card, no order, but she gets compliments.  We were at a coffee shop the other day and the barista fell in love with the dog purse I made (which Robin hated - said it was too ungepatched, which is Yiddish for "all messed up" or "busy").  I wondered if selling a bag I made would be hard to do, like giving up a baby or something.  I know my answer.  I turned my purse upside down on the counter, asked for a plastic bag for my contents and offered it to the girl as if  it was a baby with a dirty diaper.  "Here.  It's all yours."

OH MY GOD - if she tells me to get off my blog and order Gator tape one more time I'm gonna use this tape for something other than bags. 

Anywho, the above is probably my favorite bag so far.  Love the pink with the black and white. 


Unknown said...

The bags couldn't be better and the sweat shop will calm down after a bit EXCEPT that Christmas is coming fast and the orders are going to hit you like an avalanche. I have been through this so many times when I had my hoe craft business. One thing I suggest is to make a cutoff date for Christmas orders or you will be handing them out on Christmas Eve. I wrote about more mellow colors and I appreciate that you will do that. This coming week I am having some brain surgery so everything else in my life is on hold. I will get back with you after a bit of recovery.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the compliment and suggestions! And BEST OF LUCK with your surgery!!!!!!