When I get home from work (the one day a week I actually have to go somewhere), the very first thing I always do is take off my makeup and put on my PJ's. Yesterday when I got home, Robin was on the phone. I did my thing and decided to hide on her. This is nothing new. We love to hide on each other. The guestroom was starting to look pretty good two weeks ago. Then we decided not to change the house around (ie: make the garage or mudroom in to an office - once we put the treadmill in the dining room and got our living room back, all was well in the world). Meanwhile, the guestroom is now, once again, a catch all. A junk room, if you will. The bed is stacked with clothes, purchases from the Keys (I started my Christmas shopping - yay for me), and some pictures from the walls. I arranged the clothes and pictures in such a way that I (yes, even I - thank you very much) could hide under it all without being seen.
So I hid and I waited. And waited. Jesus - who was she talking to? I was getting hot. I couldn't breathe. How old am I? Then - there it was. I heard her stomping through the house. "Honey?" "HONEY?" "HOOONNNNEYYY".
She opened the other bedroom door. Slam. Bathroom door. Slam. "HONEYYYY?".
She opened the guestroom door. I held my breath. She looked in the closet. "HONEY?"
She left the room.
I did it! I won!
However...she didn't shut the guestroom door and the dogs absolutely love it in there. They go in there every chance they get, and like little kids at a Holiday Inn, they jump up and down on the bed. It wasn't long before they sniffed me out and my gig was up. Not only was I covered by clothes and pictures and God knows what else, but I was being welcomed home by the four most adorable creatures in the world.
Then Robin realized what was going on, came in the room, called me an idiot, walked out, and SLAM.
I got up, brushed myself off and went in to the living room. "So how was your day?"
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