Sunday, December 18, 2011

Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill...

Yesterday was a bright sunny, albeit chilly, day.  We decided to bundle up and go on a few geocaching hunts.  The hunts in the mountains of North Cackalacki are way more challenging than those we did in FL.  In FL, most of the hiding spots were in public areas.   (Not all.  Some were in pubic areas.  Well just one.)   A tree in the Home Depot parking lot.  Attached to a stop sign.  A bench in a park.  Never did we risk our lives looking for a treasure.

Not here.  We wound up in the higher elevations.  The road wasn't paved.  I believe we may have  been close to inbred land.  I could have sworn I saw Sally Struthers talking to a family on their front porch.  But did this stop us?  Hell no.  We kept asking each other if we should turn around and each time decided that we'd come too far to stop now.  We kept driving up and around Chimney Rock.  At one point, four beautiful white dogs were sunning themselves in the middle of the road and acted very inconvenienced when I gently hit the horn rather than run them over.  Then they chased us for about a half a mile.  Same thing on the way down the mountain.  I wanted to bring them all home with me. 

Once we reached what appeared to be our destination, we parked as close to the side of the cliff without going over it.  On the other side of the road was a mountain side.  We were in the middle of nowhere, but it was beautiful.  The leaves have fallen off the trees and the view was awesome.  Robin held the GPS and like a mental patient, started walking around in circles trying to hit the coordinates.  She'd get one and then scratch her head.  She looked at the mountain side and we both agreed that she wouldn't be expected to climb that.  I told her to go a few feet and see if the numbers change.  Well she did and the numbers did change.  In her defense, she did go up the mountain and it was steep.  But today, she is acting like she climbed Mt. Everest.  She is sore and just lying around, saying, "I should never have climbed that mountain." 

Climbed that mountain.  She went up six feet. 

I will admit, I did not go up the six feet to find the treasure.  I had something else to do.  I had to, well, pee.  There was nobody anywhere for miles around and I could have very safely just gone near the car, but it would be just my luck to have someone drive by as I did the deed.  So while she ascended six feet up, I went in the opposite direction and descended down the cliff.  I must have gone down the cliff two or three miles, each step being on  bear alert.  There are a lot of bear sightings up here.  I quickly got it over with and began my climb back up the steepness that was the cliff.  I barely made it out alive.  There was a pack of wild boar to my right and a mountain lion to my left.  I got to the top and just in the nick of time hoisted myself over the cliff.  It was a VERY close call.

And she thinks she "climbed a mountain."  I love the way she embellishes everything.


cybermatic said...

Embellish, indeed. The pre-blog version I got was quite different. Especially with regard to the reason you clambered down the mountainside. The wild boars were left out, and the toileting situation wasn't liquid, so to speak.

Unknown said...

Again, she embellishes.