Friday, October 31, 2008

Things that make you go hhhmmmmm....

We have two water bowls for the pibbles. They're set together on a raised metal thing so that the little darlins don't have to strain their furry little necks all the way down to the floor to drink. I have accidently knocked this thing over and it's a mess. It takes three bath towels to clean up the water.

Today, ON HALLOWEEN, when I got up first thing in the morning, the bowls had been knocked over (they were literally upside down) and the floor was bone dry!!!

All the dogs are drinkers - they get that from me. But Bailey was the biggest drinker of them all. My theory is that Beat (her nickname cuz some ass, years ago, asked me if she was named after "Beatle Bailey") is playing a little Halloween trick on us. I cannot see Buddy, Baxter, or Bodi slurping up the water from the floor, but Bailey? I definitely can see her doing that!

I think Beat spooked us!!! That would be just like her. I can see her now smiling down upon us!

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