Sunday, August 25, 2013

Since it's been almost six months since I last posted, I figured I'd catch up for a minute.

Let's see.  This morning I got up and cleaned out the freezer.  FYI - if there's ever a world wide boneless/skinless chicken breast shortage, I'm your girl.

Yesterday Robin and I spent the entire morning junking and came home empty handed.  That's a first!  So we went to Fresh Market and spent all the money we didn't spend on crap and bought some beautiful fresh shrimp.  Then we wound up having turkey and swiss sandwiches for dinner.

What else?  We're gonna bathe all the heathens today.  Supposed to be a beautiful day after a record breaking rainy summer.

I got a FITBIT last week and today I will get in 10,000 steps (for the first time since I put this thing on) if it kills me.

Seems like there was...oh yeah...I lost over 40 pounds, got a job and QUIT DRINKING since I last posted.  Noooooo stories there ----  

1 comment:

Grace said...

I want to see a picture of a before and after loss of 40 pounds, that is just awesome girlie girl!! Congrats!