Sunday, December 18, 2011

Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill...

Yesterday was a bright sunny, albeit chilly, day.  We decided to bundle up and go on a few geocaching hunts.  The hunts in the mountains of North Cackalacki are way more challenging than those we did in FL.  In FL, most of the hiding spots were in public areas.   (Not all.  Some were in pubic areas.  Well just one.)   A tree in the Home Depot parking lot.  Attached to a stop sign.  A bench in a park.  Never did we risk our lives looking for a treasure.

Not here.  We wound up in the higher elevations.  The road wasn't paved.  I believe we may have  been close to inbred land.  I could have sworn I saw Sally Struthers talking to a family on their front porch.  But did this stop us?  Hell no.  We kept asking each other if we should turn around and each time decided that we'd come too far to stop now.  We kept driving up and around Chimney Rock.  At one point, four beautiful white dogs were sunning themselves in the middle of the road and acted very inconvenienced when I gently hit the horn rather than run them over.  Then they chased us for about a half a mile.  Same thing on the way down the mountain.  I wanted to bring them all home with me. 

Once we reached what appeared to be our destination, we parked as close to the side of the cliff without going over it.  On the other side of the road was a mountain side.  We were in the middle of nowhere, but it was beautiful.  The leaves have fallen off the trees and the view was awesome.  Robin held the GPS and like a mental patient, started walking around in circles trying to hit the coordinates.  She'd get one and then scratch her head.  She looked at the mountain side and we both agreed that she wouldn't be expected to climb that.  I told her to go a few feet and see if the numbers change.  Well she did and the numbers did change.  In her defense, she did go up the mountain and it was steep.  But today, she is acting like she climbed Mt. Everest.  She is sore and just lying around, saying, "I should never have climbed that mountain." 

Climbed that mountain.  She went up six feet. 

I will admit, I did not go up the six feet to find the treasure.  I had something else to do.  I had to, well, pee.  There was nobody anywhere for miles around and I could have very safely just gone near the car, but it would be just my luck to have someone drive by as I did the deed.  So while she ascended six feet up, I went in the opposite direction and descended down the cliff.  I must have gone down the cliff two or three miles, each step being on  bear alert.  There are a lot of bear sightings up here.  I quickly got it over with and began my climb back up the steepness that was the cliff.  I barely made it out alive.  There was a pack of wild boar to my right and a mountain lion to my left.  I got to the top and just in the nick of time hoisted myself over the cliff.  It was a VERY close call.

And she thinks she "climbed a mountain."  I love the way she embellishes everything.

Monday, December 12, 2011

You dared me, America! Well ~ my friend, Marian, dared me.

As my Facebook peeps know, we had an electrician here yesterday.  Half of our power wasn't working.  He came, was very nice, but we couldn't help but notice his "assets".  I went for the camera and Robin gave me the evil eye.  Afterall, he was nice. 

Turns out he's kinda a handy man.  Had him look at our above the stove microwave.   It was dead.  He assured me that I could go to Lowe's or Home Depot and get a new one for $79.00.  He was going to be in the area today and would be happy to swing by and install it.  I asked him if he trimmed dogs' nails.  Unfortunately, he's not all that.

Called my mom.  For Christmas, I had asked for a gift card to Lowe's or Home Depot for you don't want to know what.  OK - I wanted a bidet.  Had them in our two houses in Miami.  Once you go bidet, you don't go back. 

I had mentioned it to Robin about two weeks ago.  "Hey, since neither of us really need anything or anything for the house, let's ask my mom for a Lowe's gift card for a duvet."

"Why would you get  a duvet at Lowe's?  They don't sell them there."

"Yes they do.  Remember I checked them out before?  Lied and said it was for my aging mother who ain't what she used to be?  Remember?"

"You mean a bidet."

"Whatever.  You know what I meant."

So anywho, Santa Mom put money in our account today.  She basically accused me of wanting microwaved food over clean "parts".  No, I want the eyesore that is Iris and Joe's 30 year old microwave that we've been borrowing since they left outta my kitchen.  (Joe's selling point on insisting we take it, "Look.  You put food on the plate and it turns.  How do you votates.")  More counter space trumps clean private parts.  (And FYI, they're clean.  Clean enough.  They'll do.)

Woke up this morning and the power was off again.  Called him to advise him of same and to try to get an ETA.  Said he'd be here after noon.

Ran my errands, one of which was going to Lowe's.  Went straight to the appliance department and asked where the $79.00 microwaves were.  The man looked at me as if I had two heads.  "Uh, our cheap ones are about $179.00."

Crap.  (Speaking of duvets.)

Went to the back wall and found my exact microwave.  $199.00 marked down to $75.00!  The hardward for hanging it was missing.  No worries - we have that.

My goal was to make it home by 12:00.  Pulled in at 12:00 on the dot and the electrician was right behind me.  Fixed the lights (again) and hung the microwave.  He was here for maybe ten minutes.

Yesterday, on a Sunday, he was here for over an hour.  Charged $75.00 and Robin tipped him $25.00.  Too much in my opinion, but I figured he'd give us a break today.   So it was much to my chagrin, while he was finishing up, I asked him how much the write the check for. 


ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS!!!!!  He was bragging yesterday about how quickly he'd be able to switch out the microwave.  And he should have been back here anyway because he hadn't fixed the original power problem.

Wrote the check and snapped the picture.

Called Robin, proudly told her about the picture and she accused me of being a 12 year old.  Then I told her what today's visit came to.

"Post the damn picture."

Thursday, December 8, 2011

WARNING: Less than interesting post ahead. (What's new, I know.)

I've had a few people recently ask me why I've been ignoring my blog.  So before an entire month goes by, I figured I'd write something.  The truth is, there hasn't been much to write about.  November was a pretty crappy month.  I lost two friends within two weeks, and although we weren't super close or anything, they were both really great guys and I will miss them.  There's been other stuff going on, too, and I think I will be happy when the holidays are over.  Gonna be a very difficult time for the families who lost their loved ones.

Adding insult to injury, there have been virtually no job leads.  Very recently, though, something has sparked my interest and God knows I need to go back to work, so I hope she sees it fit for the position to work out for me. 

The highlight of November was getting my Christmas tree.  It really is one of my favorite days of the year.  I've collected ornaments all my life and it's, well, like Christmas to unwrap them each year.  Brady's tail has killed a few, but it's OK.  The less meaningful ornaments, "fillers" if you will, go on the tree at tail level. 

I did have a rather exciting brush with death last night.  It had been pouring for a few days and a couple dogs decided it would be OK to do their business in the basement rather than to get their paws wet.  In an overly zealous attempt to clean up after them, I inhaled way too much Chlorox.  Had to open all the windows on the coldest night of the year.  Robin was so happy.  In my own defense, though, it was about 85 degrees in here.  She is getting even with me for having the AC so low for all the time we lived in Miami.  So now, if it's below 70 outside, she thinks we need the heat on. has kept me somewhat busy.  Not car shopping busy ~ more like extra money for Christmas busy. 

I need to go back to work because I have no routine in my life.  The only thing that is routine for me right now is calling my mother every morning.  Inevitably, she is either blowing her nose and I have to hold or she's putting on her bra and I have to hold.  Yesterday we had a conversation about the cost of bras.  She asked when the cost of bras went up so much.  Told her around the same time that our boobs started going down.  She said, "Good one" and I said, "Thanks."   After the always stimulating and fascinating conversations we have, I should write, do the treadmill, clean, organize, bathe a dog or five, etc.  I do keep the house clean, but it could be super - eat off the floor - clean.  Actually, that's not true.  It's impossible to keep this house clean for any length of time due to having seven animals.   

We recently spent a large portion of the day driving all over Western North Carolina in search of a particular pink camera that I decided I needed.  Nobody had it in pink so I came home and ordered it online.  Came about two weeks ago.  Haven't opened it yet. 

See what I  mean about having nothing to write about?