Right before I became obsessed with "The Biggest Loser", we had gone camping. We had a blast and couldn't wait to do it again. Then TBL turned my world (and Robin's) upside down and camping was put on the back burner.
Until now.
Robon stumbled upon Cayo Costa kinda by accident. I told her I don't care where we go as long as there's a beach. Cayo Costa is located off the coast of Fort Myers on Florida's west coast. You can only get there by boat. We rented a rustic cabin for two nights for $24.95 each night. We had the time of our lives and have already made plans to go back in two weeks. Our cabin was literally about 20 feet from the beach. It was simply gorgeous.
I figured that it's cheaper for us to camp than to stay at home for a weekend. We used one tank of gas round trip, paid our dog sitter, and took our own food. There most expensive thing was the boat ride to the island. But once you're out there, that's it. The only thing you can spend money on is ice, which we didn't need. When we stay home, we eat out, order out and spend money on crap we don't need. In addition, camping is healthy! All the food is grilled and I walked the beach for hours. Got a ton of beautiful shells, including a huge conch!
If ever I've had a positive, inexpensive and healthy obsession, this is it.
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