Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My first surgery!

I went to my doctor yesterday morning due to my severe tragic fingernail mutilization. She immediately referred me to an orthopedic surgeon and he performed my very first surgery. I am recovering nicely, mostly thanks to Percocet. I may never be able to work again because I cannot type. Oh wait. I'm typing this. I may never be able to work again becaaauuussse...I'll think of something.

In lieu of cards, candy and flowers, donations can be made to my favorite cause - The Kim E. Frasier Foundation c/o Bank of America.


I mean --- Thank you in advance for your most generous contribution.

1 comment:

spun816 said...

u should sue robin for workers comp u did get injured on the job/in the office....that way u wont have to work n e more....not like you work much n e how lol