Saturday, January 12, 2013

It's 01.12.13 ~~~

So we're well into double digits of the new year. Well, today is the 12th. Not exactly "well" into the new year, but still... I am still going strong with my resolutions of being way more active than I was last year and eating more fruits and vegetables. I could not possibly be any less active than I was last year. It seems like I spent 2012 playing "Words With Friends" and "Angry Birds". When tired of the mean birds, and caught up on WWF, I'd look at my e-mail. Repeat. It's a nice balance, all from my Kindle Fire. And don't even get me started on a little addiction called "Facebook"!!!!! But I promised myself that this year is gonna be different. Yes, I still am a WWF addict. And you don't need to be told that I spend A LOT of time on FB. I am proud to say I've reconnected with my treadmill and am walking outside some too. Eventually I will break out my Wii and DVDs. Keeping it moving. Today I felt guilty that I wasn't doing any intentional exercise, so I think I got my groove back. Woke up this morning with a Miami restaurant, "Chicken Kitchen", on my mind. Used to love it. I think their motto was "a healthy addiction". Googled it and found out how to make my favorite thing. It's called "chicken chop chop". It's basically grilled chicken breasts over yellow rice, with a mustard curry sauce. Robin also added black beans, tomato and lettuce to hers. I like mine plain. While I was googling that, something else was on my mind. (Oh, by the way, as I play WWF, AB, go on FB, etc., there's a TV on a lot. Not always, because I enjoy my music too, but I do watch more TV than I will ever admit.) The other day I saw something about the "Yonana". Kind of like yo mama, but different. You stick frozen bananas and whatever other type of fruit you want and voila, it's frozen yogurt. Or something. It's frozen fruit that goes in and comes out of a machine. But it's just fruit! I googled that and made the mistake of showing Robin. Within seven minutes she was showered and dressed and insisted that I get ready so we could go to Walmart to get a Yonana. Knowing it would be useless to suggest we wait, before I knew it, we were at Walmart. They don't sell it. I was kind of relieved, to be honest, because I had a feeling that that would have wound up in our next garage sale. Even posted about it on FB and the consensus was to step away from the Yonana. One of my FB friends went as far to suggest we make something similar in our blender. Called her for details and here's what...the fruit must be frozen. Our bananas are not, but we did have frozen strawberries and frozen blueberries. Throw them in the blender with a little milk, which we didn't have. But we did have French vanilla coffee creamer and used that instead. O.M.G.!!!! What a wonderful way to get some fruit in your diet! Frozen fruit is defintely gonna be a staple in this household from now on! I am proud of myself for basically getting back on track with healthier food choices and exercise. Plus it gives me something to write about on Facebook!

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